To All of Our LOYAL Readers,

As you know, Julius and I are both in grad school right now. We are in our last year, and we are approaching finals time. Although we would love nothing more than to continue writing about our daily happenings, we must be responsible and get through our final year of graduate school.
With that said, I am obtaining my Jurist Doctorate, and Julius is obtaining his MBA, so if you have any questions about Law or Business School please do not hesitate to contact us. Also, we will be traveling out and across the country this holiday season, so Internet access will be limited. Don’t fret…WE WILL BE BACK!!
We are looking to do some MAJOR things with Young, Black, and Married so when we come back after the holidays, look forward to more postings, a fan page on Facebook, and a new and improved website.
In the meantime, pray for us, Graduation is right around the corner. J
Rachel & Julius Johnson
Best of luck with finals! I like your site!