It started back in December of 2006, when Rachel decided she was sick and tired of living with me, and bounced from Chicago and moved to Pittsburgh. Well, that’s not exactly true. Rachel decided to pursue a great opportunity in Pittsburgh, and I had just started a new job in June. And so there we were, a couple on the verge of doing the long distance thing. While it was sad to see her go (partied like hell later that night), I took this as an opportunity to live it up in the city and hang out with some real pimps I’d met while in Chicago (you know the Chi is known for pimpin’). See, Rachel was (and still is) more of a homebody, and I was (and still am a bit) a fiend for the nightlife. As far as I was concerned, this was an opportunity for us to both do some of the things we wanted, both on a personal and professional level. We made plans to see each other at least twice a month (many thanks to Southwest!), and with that, we were officially a long distance couple.
For the first couple months, it was just as I (not Rachel) pictured it. I’m at a club or lounge on Friday and Saturday nights, I’m hitting up happy hours, and there’s no one waiting on me to get my black ass home. However, it didn’t take Rachel long at all to get sick and tired of my foolishness. The thing was, Rachel and I had an agreement. We agreed to speak every night before we went to bed, and when we went out, we’d make sure to call to let the other know we got home safely. Sounds simple enough, right? The HELL it was! In the midst of me living the “good life”, I’d get so caught up in my own world (wasted) that I’d forget to call. Now if you know Rachel, then you know that when she’s pissed, the gates of hell open up and the devil himself works on her behalf to verbally (and somehow physically) beat the living you-know-what out of you. Dealing with this woman, forgetting to call or not picking up the phone when she called meant MAJOR verbal trauma to the ear, which traveled down my spine and out my behind (not a pretty sight). And this was on top of the fact that I had no business drinking and partying on the regular like I was living single. You’ll be glad to know that I’m all better now…
It wasn’t until after I semi-retired from party central that I discovered the reason for my madness – the man was lonely (and borderline depressed – sad, I know). Thing was, Rachel and I did (and still do) damn near everything together. Sure, we’ll go out with our respective people, but 9 times out of 10, it’s me and my lil homie (young thuggin’). We hit the clubs, bars, lounges, movies, beaches, restaurants, whatever, TOGETHER. I got so caught up in wanting to live the “big city, bright lights” life, that I failed to realize that it’s not me, and more importantly, that’s not us (at least on the regular). Long story short – we did just over a year of her living in Pittsburgh and me in Chicago, and it wasn’t a good look at all.
Now during the course of me living in Chicago alone and trying to figure out what career path was best for me, I got some TERRIBLE advice. Dude told me that I should pursue my career goals, and if Rachel and I were meant to be, then we’d get back together somewhere down the road. Put another way – “Pursue your career, regardless of whether or not that puts you and Rachel in the same city.” Put another way – “The hell with Rachel! Do you, and if you hook back up in the future, then it’s all good, but if not, then the relationship wasn’t that strong anyway.” Excuse me?! What in the HELL do you think this is?! Like Jay-Z, “This is God engineering, this is a hail marry pass, ya’ll interfering”. Me and this woman were placed together for a reason, well beyond my own understanding. I thank God everyday for this woman, and couldn’t imagine my life without her, point-blank-period! I’m not exactly sure what you and your woman are doing, but me and mine hang tight. I’d put this woman before ANY job, ANY amount of cash, ANYTHING!
WHOA!!! - I think I just had a moment...Lord knows I got bad nerves. I almost had a flashback and stabbed somebody! WOOSA….ok, back to the topic of discussion…
So fast forward and here we are, summertime 2010. Rachel’s just finished up her 2nd year of law school and I’m done with the 1st year of my MBA program. Internship time! I’m focused on staying in DC for the summer because I’m not trying to relocate for 10 weeks, and Rachel’s looking for internships that will get her back into what she loves – the entertainment industry. Long story short, Rachel accepts a great opportunity with Bravo this summer in NY. I’m thinking, “Cool, I’ll shoot up there on the weekends, she’ll come down some weekends, and everything thing will be cool”. Neither one of us had ever spent significant time in NY, so this was a great chance to explore the Big Apple and do some new things. Yeaaaaa, BAD IDEA. We’re seeing each other late Friday nights after work and traveling, we spend the day together on Saturday, and before you know it, it’s time to hit the road Sunday afternoon to get back for work. Sure, we’d take a Friday or Monday off every now-and-then, but there’s no substitute when you’re used to seeing someone EVERY SINGLE DAY. My homeboy Mike’s wife, Shelby, told us it was going to be a beast, but we were like, “Naw, we got this. 10 weeks is nothing”. Leave that BS at the front door! I’ll give it to you like this – Rachel and I will never EVER live in separate cities again. I don’t give a damn if it’s for 10 days!
Bottom line - People that CHOOSE to live in a city separate from their significant other AND IT DOES NOT bother them, aren’t serious about each other OR their future together. PERIOD! And don’t get it twisted, because I’ll tell it to you to your face. As the homie GOD put it in Genesis 2:25, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave (strongly adhere) unto his wife: and they shall be ONE FLESH”. Now when’s the last time you saw or heard of “one flesh” surviving in two separate cities! If you’re not feeling that, try this; get a chainsaw, cut yourself in half and see how long you survive!
“Don’t worry, I’ll wait.” – Katt Williams
Luv it and completely agree
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. Long distance will not work. This was very entertaining too Slim-Adrienne
ReplyDeleteAnd people wonder why the divorce rate is 50% in this country... to combine two sayings "Making love takes time" and it's evident that the quality of your marriage is a product of puttin in that work.
ReplyDeleteWhat I got from this post is marry your best friend and then act like it! As always, preciate the sound wisdom and stand-up comedy set rolled into one.
I LOOOOVE this post. And I can relate so much to it.
ReplyDelete"dont worry, I'll wait"...lol one of my favorite lines. But it gets your point across well. LDR don't work--especially if its clear that one party is not prepared (or doesnt care) to move towards living in the same city with their significant other. I think that meant the world that you were literally, mentally, emotionally hurt that you had to be away from Rachel. Being away from your Love is a hard thing. But for you guys it was only temporary.
" but 9 times out of 10, it’s me and my lil homie (young thuggin’)" awwwwwww thats so sweet! *teardrop*...I love you & Rachel so much. lol.
Brother in-law..WONDERFUL POST! You are too young to be so wise :) As a person who has been married for over 16 yrs, I see the blessing around the separation and those experiences are directly tied to your where you and Rachel are in your marriage. I hope to see you and the wife soon. Jennifer
ReplyDeletehahahahahahahhahahah I love it, Ju! I felt like I was listening to you talk. Fantastic post...I was over here laughing my head off! Thanks for the post.
ReplyDeletep.s.thanks for the shout-out - y'all know I am following this blog (like an official "follower") AND I love y'alls energy for real...when are we going on our double date?
ReplyDeleteThanks this is really something I needed to hear. My husband and I have been talking about whether or not to live in separate cities for a few weeks now & I think this is what we both needed to hear.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!!.. I LOVE IT!! So hilariously true and well put I might add... :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much to everyone for all the love and support! Relationships are constant work, and Rachel and I have been through a lot in our 8+ years together.
ReplyDeleteWe truly feel that God saw fit for us to share our experiences with others to help other couples avoid some of the pitfalls we have. Please keep reading, and we'll certainly keep posting!
LOL @ the Katt Williams finishing touch.
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed this post. The best I've read thus far on the site. Julius your love for Rachel is very evident - it comes across in your writing as very very genuine. May God bless your marriage and may you two grow in Him even more.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, La-Aja! I do love my baby. We've been through a lot over the past 9 years, both good and bad, but God continues to see us through. Thanks for the well wishes. Please keep reading and check out our videos whenever you get a chance if you haven't already.